FLI is a full-service investigative agency bringing solutions to your complex investigations. With 14 years of investigative experience, our value is the knowledge and expertise in all types of investigations. FLI understands the nuances of a proper investigation and can provide a comprehensive and unbiased review. FLI also specializes in expert services to include video forensic analysis, cellular technology/cell phone records mapping & analysis, firearms, and traffic collision analysis. FLI has a team of investigators that can tailor any investigation to your needs in a timely and responsive manner. Your case deserves to have the best and most comprehensive review every time. Don’t let your case close without a review by FLI!
Did you know there are roughly over 300 million cellular devices throughout the United States?
Did you know there are roughly over 300 million cellular devices throughout the United States? Think about the last time you left home without your cellphone. Law Enforcement understands this change in society and routinely seek cell phone records from service providers to help identify suspects and prove their cases. The odds of cell phone records being crucial evidence in your case is extremely high. Cell phone records can look like nothing more than a list of phone calls and text messages but there is so much more information that can be interpreted that could be crucial to your client’s defense. Call detail records can prove or disprove an alibi, determine if someone was in the area of the crime scene, explore the relationships between people and help solve crimes where the suspect is unknown. Establishing a pattern of life is a crucial part in analyzing call detail records as it can clearly show any deviation from the normal pattern. Without the proper understanding of call detail records many of these nuances can be overlooked. FLI understands there is a knowledge gap between law enforcement/prosecution and the defense, and cell phone records can’t be taken at face value. FLI is here to help close that gap and give a comprehensive and unbiased review of the data. Don’t let the cell phone records in your case go unreviewed by an expert!
Call Detail Record Analysis
Cell phone and cell tower Mapping
Pattern of life
Cell phone relationships
Demonstrative exhibits
Expert Testimony
We support data from all carriers, BERLA Infotainment Systems, Google, and other social media and service providers.